Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Wind and the Stars

I knew that if the car came to a sudden stop I'd end up breaking a bone or two. But in that moment, nothing else mattered. All I could feel was the slight chill in the wind that crashed against my face as the car raced along. And his fingers entwined with mine. I was standing through the sunroof and looking at the road ahead, quite drunk on happiness.

"Can you see more stars now?" he gently asked. I don't remember him parking the car along the roadside. Just this, that when I looked up, I saw a zillion stars twinkling against a dark sky. I rested my back against the roof of the car and stared. It was beautiful. I tried to remember when was the last time I did that, but couldn't. I thought I'd thank him when I was slightly less tipsy.

I'm guessing that it was a while before we said goodbye, because I don't remember that either. "I'm glad you came", he said. I was glad too, I told him. What I didn't tell him was that I was going to remember the wind and the stars for a really long time.