Monday, March 1, 2010

Random thoughts: Tea

I'm sitting with a cup of warm tea as I write this, and it is well past midnight. I was never a tea-lover; in fact till last week I could safely claim to hate it. Till I finished reading Chicken Soup for the tea lover's soul.

I've always loved reading the Chicken Soup series. In school and even college, the book had been a source of comfort during difficult times. I can clearly remember the day when I was in a particularly sour mood. I picked up a helping in a bookstore and dropped myself onto a couch. When I finished reading, I felt totally different.

I dunno why  picked this one. The other two of this series, the one for coffee lover's soul and another for chocolate lover's soul would've made more sense. But for some strange reason I was drawn more to this one. It seemed to promise me something unexplored.

As I flipped through pages, I was far from disappointed. The stories were indeed seeped in comfort, woven around the ritual of having afternoon tea. The warmth of a steaming cup of tea seemed to exude from the book. Taste was rarely discussed. What mattered was the memories, smiles and even tears that were part of tea-parties with loved ones. Real people had lost or found something over cups of tea. The loss was of mostly of loneliness or grief. Smiles were found. It was then I felt the need to have some tea myself.

Here I am sitting in front of the computer, trying to articulate my thoughts. The feverishness that I was feeling at the beginning is gone. Left behind is the warmth of the cup that I can now feel within me.

I think I'm ready to fall asleep.


Aditya said...

Serendipity - Things discovered by chance are always beautiful. A refreshingly different blog. :)

Ruchi D said...

Thanks Aditya,I'm glad you like it. Your blog is pretty interesting too! :)

Aditya said...

well. I discontinued it long back. Here's something i have been doing lately.
Its called life in the rearview mirror.

Ruchi D said...

I LIKE it! Dunno much about photography, but I think the detailing is great. The XL shots in particular are awesome.